Commotion when getting ready to bury parts of suicide-bomber's body

Commotion when getting ready to bury parts of suicide-bomber's body

Commotion when getting ready to bury parts of suicide-bomber's body

10.30 pm
Parts of the body of suicide-bomber of Batticaloa Zion Church on Easter Sunday were to be buried in a cemetery in that area resulting in a ha-ho in Batticaloa. Having sensed that a respect of that nature was going to be bestowed on the person who committed suicide by destroying a large number of lives, the public has displayed a strong protest. The demonstrators have obstructed Colombo - Batticaloa main road and had engaged in a
demonstration, burning tyres. 

It was reported by night that police had to use an attack of tear-gas to control the belligerent crowd and because of this atmosphere several persons had suffered injuries. It was confirmed that 2 males and 2 females were admitted to Batticaloa hospital. However, the situation has been brought under control by now, police said. 

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