Protests not to install CCTV -
Peradeniya faculty at a standstill

Protests not to install CCTV -
A great interest appeared to dawn at various locations in the country as a result of the insecure atmosphere that prevailed after the past April 21st Easter attack. As a result, management developed a necessity to install CCTV machines within the universities where a large number of crowds used to gather. However, certain groups of students abhorred installation of these CCTVs because of the risk that their political
activities as well as personal modes of behaviour would thus would be taped on the CCTV cameras.
activities as well as personal modes of behaviour would thus would be taped on the CCTV cameras.
Certain teacher's associations and some student associations who were not in favour of such installments however have showed an inclination of such installments after the risky environment created from the Easter attack. But, associations that still continue in a narrow-minded student-political manner are still against this. It was because of this CCTV hulabaloo that Kelaniya sarasaviya had to be closed down two or three weeks before this.
The latest news is reported from Peradeniya campus. Because of a protest launched by a group of students here against installation of CCTV cameras, a discrepancy of opinion has flared up between students and the teaching staff as a result of which it was informed that till CCTV cameras are installed the teaching process would be suspended. Already the lecturers have suspended their duties and have expressed their protest in this regard. Students who fear of their political activities and private behaviour being taped have so far rejected giving their support for this security process and consequently all activities of the faculty have come to a standstill.