Why Muslims do not eat pork -- what is Haram - Halal?
Stories about Muslims not eating pork and that the pig is considered as an utterly filthy animal and various such things are spoken about frequently. It is taught in Islam doctrine according to teachings of Allah as to what types of meat is forbidden and it is and it is not pointed out that any type of meat is compulsory for consumption as such. From among those, it is indicated that
pork is unclean.
pork is unclean.
The information is as follows: "Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah and (those animals) killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns and those from which a wild animal has eaten except what you (are able to) slaughter (before its death) and those which are sacrificed on stone altars and (prohibited is) that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience. This day those who disbelieve have despaired of (defeating) your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you and your religion and completed. My favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as a religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no indication to sin -- then indeed. Allah is forgiving and merciful".
These are the points which they indicate as pork being detrimental: It has been found by medical science that consumption of pork leads to several diseases. This is a reason for several worms (parasites) and the tapeworm (Taenia solium) which could do serious damage. The tapeworm grows in the abdomen and its eggs enter the blood stream and it could travel to all organs in the body. Serious diseases related to important organs such as the brain and heart will be subjected to damage. It has also been found that these eggs are not destroyed by normal temperature when cooking flesh of the pig.
When compared to other meat, this meat has a high quantity of fat in it and when consuming it the fat remains in the veins thus resulting in high blood pressure and problems of the heart. The pig is very unclean animal. The pig is identified as a garbage-cleaning animal. The big eats excreta, defiled matter and other unclean matter. The pig eats its own excreta and it performs that action in areas where there are no toilet facilities. 2% only is discharged as uric acid through the pig's urine. The balance uric acid remains within the body and consuming meat containing this uric acid in a big quantity leads to swelling of joints known as gout.
"Eat from the ood things with which we have provided you and do not transgress (or oppress others) therein (Al-Quran 20:81). Therefore let us refrain from unclean things and use clean things for consumption. Let us see what the holy book of Christians the latter of whom indulge in a big way in consuming pork. This parallel opinion is forwarded in order to obtain a perception from an intellectual angle and not to criticise religions ... we wish to emphasise to readers, most kindly.
Not only by Islam religion; even the Bible indicates that the pig is an unclean animal. "Though the pig has a divided hoof, it does not chew the cud. You must not touch their carcasses. It is unclean for you". (Bible -- Leviticus 11: 1-8). According to the aforementioned statement, Christians are not permitted to eat pork and in doing so it causes wrath of God. But what they point out is contents of a letter written to Romans by Paul. ("Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food" -- Romans 1).
Even in Hindu religion it has been pointed out from certain sections that pork is unsuitable. Buddhist literature too speaks of the Sukara maddava dana. It is stated that Lord Buddha was offered Sukara maddava dana by Chanda Kammara puthra.