Second suicide bomb attack was to be launched employing women -- untold of story of Saindumardu ... revealed
After the terrorist attack launched last 21st, before that tension eased, yet another terrorist attack had been on the cards and it had been planned to employ women for that attack, it was revealed by investigations carried out by police so far. Though the already suicide activist wives of Dematagoda and Saindumardu were in preparation to join as second attackers, having been unexpectedly cornered, they had to dismiss their plan and commit suicide.
According to news received, before attack on Catholic churches, the strategy of Zaharan actually was
to launch an attack on 9 locations at 9 areas in Sri Lanka; however, as a result of difference of opinion within the organisation, Saharan's faction split apart and the planned strategy has collapsed. It was only Dematagoda Ibrahim's family and the Kattankudy and Kalmunai group to launch the suicide bomb attack. Among them, it was members of Zaharan's family who had greatest representation. The majority of suicide activists at the house in the Tsunami hamlet of Kalmunai Saindumardu were members of Zaharan's family. Most of those who rocked round the new leadership by rejecting Zaharan were those from Mawanella and Kurunegala who joined Zaharan's batch, it was identified.
to launch an attack on 9 locations at 9 areas in Sri Lanka; however, as a result of difference of opinion within the organisation, Saharan's faction split apart and the planned strategy has collapsed. It was only Dematagoda Ibrahim's family and the Kattankudy and Kalmunai group to launch the suicide bomb attack. Among them, it was members of Zaharan's family who had greatest representation. The majority of suicide activists at the house in the Tsunami hamlet of Kalmunai Saindumardu were members of Zaharan's family. Most of those who rocked round the new leadership by rejecting Zaharan were those from Mawanella and Kurunegala who joined Zaharan's batch, it was identified.
At the time Saharan and extremists were launching a suicide attack on churches and tourist hotels, Zaharan's wife Fathima Sadiya, Katuwapitiya church attacker's wife Sarah, Zaharan's sister, the mother and their small children were all remaining at Thihariya. They had travelled to Thihariya two days before the attacks were carried out and that was in a van belonging to someone in Kattankudy ... booked in advance.
They were in fact going round the country for 10 days in that van. It was by going in that same van that they purchased the stock of white clothes amounting to Rs. 29000 from a shop in Giriulla. It was that very same night that they travel to Kalmunai from Thihariya. It was Mohammed Nipas who arranges a spot for his leader's wife and colleagues of the family and it was a house taken on rent at Nindavur. Later on, it was on last 26th evening that they arrive at the house situated in the Tsunami housing complex in Saindumardu. It was taken on rent two or three days before that at a monthly rental of Rs. 4000. Zaharan's two brothers, the father and sister's husband and Mohammed Nipas were among those who accompanied her. They then straightaway creep into the house with some sacks in their hands.
A villager who casts a look at them with great concern develops a suspicion. In order to dispel that suspicion the villager then proceeds to notify a police constable who was moving on a motor bicycle. As such, the constable who approaches the house to see who those suspicious persons were is unexpectedly greeted with a hand-grenade and it was by an extremist who was keeping watch on top of the roof of that house.
However the constable was lucky enough to escape death without even a scrape on his body. He immediately informs his higher police officers of this. Under these circumstances police and army raided the house on which occasion the others clashed with the police and army resulting in gunfire between the two parties. When an hour and a half passed by, three explosions are heard from within the house. It was a blast which was beyond that of hand-grenades. Police and army subsequently searched the entire hamlet of Saindumardu right throughout the night.
It was after daylight broke in that they enter the house. Initially it was the corpse of person with a T56 gun in hand whom they encounter in front of the gate there. He was Nipas. The person who aimed the hand-bomb at the constable was then found fallen dead on top of the roof. The police and army when stepping into the hall were able to notice a clique of small children and others dead from the explosion. There were 14 dead bodies fallen dead on the ground. Some corpses were beyond recognition. Pieces of the body had scattered all over the place. Among those bodies were those of the two brothers Mohammed Sayne Hasheem, Mohammed Rilwan Hasheem and their father. Rilwa's name too was listed in suicide attackers of RAW spies.
Apart from them, bodies of those found dead in the middle of the hall were that of Saharan's younger sister Mohammed Saira Hasheem and her husband Mohammed Rishad. Police and officers of the army who were checking the dead bodies happened to hear sounds of crying of a child and a woman who was mourning. The sound was heard from a room in the house. A woman and a child were seen injured from the explosion. They are instantly taken away in two ambulances to Amparai hospital and it was none other than Zaharan's wife and child. Even by that time Zaharan's eight year old elder child and five other children had passed away having been subjected to the explosions.
After the Kalmunai Saindamardu combat a bulk of photographs happened to exchange across social media at a rapid pace. Among those photos were the house where the blast took place and those who died. A shopping bag among a particular dead victim caught special attention of a certain person. It was a bag of a manager of a textile shop in Giriulla which this person knew as its manager. Instantly he rang up this manager and told him about this photo.
Immediately the said manager went into action. He then rewound security camera clips of his establishment. He was then able to survey the scene where some females clad in burkas had visited his shop and had bought some goods on the 19th. He next examined what those women bought. What is seen on that occasion is goods of 9 white-coloured blouses, skirts, brassiers each was bought to the value of Rs. 29000 and 9 each. Apart from that two toys also were bought. The manager was able to realise through security cameras that they had come there in a van. Later he notified about it to police. It was with that event that everybody's attention was drawn towards those white clothes. Of those 9 sets of 9 white clothes there were only 7 sets of white cloth. What happened to the other cloth still remains a mystery. Curiosity has enveloped society by now as for what reason those white clothing material was bought. Only one person remains to answer that question and it is only Zaharan's wife who stepped into that shop in Giriulla from among the three women who went there.
What Zaharan's wife who presently is at Amparai hospital under strict security says that she is unaware as to why those white cloth was bought. Those white cloth was bought by Pulasthi Rajendran alias Sarah who was preparing for the second attack. "It will be required in future. That's why it was bought". Zaharan's wife Fathima is supposed to have replied that Sarah has said when querying about it.
Householders at the Enderamulla house who were stricken with fear after the Easter attack have fled that very night from their house. Mohammed Irshad goes into hiding in his home at Ulapane. Mohammed Ranis and Mohammed Naufer on the other hand flee to Batticaloa. It was on that journey that they are cornered to Dambulla police on 21st night. Sadik on the other hand flee to Nuwara Eliya with his wife's brother. They had shaved their beards and disguised themselves as Sinhalese and have travelled around the island in the van with a sticker 'Theruvan saranai' affixed to the vehicle. In the end he drops his wife from Mawanella when he had no other option. Almost simultaneously the surveillance team of officers from criminal investigation department happened to accost them.
It was two days later that Sadik and Shaheed, the two brothers are cornered by police and it was when they were hiding in a shoeshop belonging to a a relative of theirs in Gampola. Sadik has confessed in the presence of police officers, "We did not know that Zaharan was going to such a big thing like this. When we came to know about it, we got scared. We opposed it. Our religion has not told anyone to commit suicide".