Leaving hand-bombs at Badureliya school ...
act of sabotage to keep schools closed

Leaving hand-bombs at Badureliya school ...
13 hand-bombs were detected yesterday near a building of a primary school in Palindanuwara, Badureliya. This was found when the watcher there inspected a parcel near that place. The watcher has gone out to have his dinner and on returning has detected this suspicious parcel and on inspection the said bombs were seen. After notifying the principal about this the principal has informed police after which army officers who arrived at the scene had taken steps to remove the parcel containing the bombs.
What is revealed from inquiries conducted by police is that leaving that parcel of bombs is the work
of a group of saboteurs. Suspicions have emerged because it was not something prepared for explosion and appears to be the motive of a group who wanted political favours by preventing schools being conducted. The bag containing hand-bombs was close to a classroom and some live bullets plus a piece of wire were found.
of a group of saboteurs. Suspicions have emerged because it was not something prepared for explosion and appears to be the motive of a group who wanted political favours by preventing schools being conducted. The bag containing hand-bombs was close to a classroom and some live bullets plus a piece of wire were found.
A high officer of the army had this to say: "If a hand-bomb is left in isolation anywhere, it does not explode. The part resembling a hook on its top should be taken off. After that, since the detonator there could catch fire it must be immediately thrown away. It should be done by someone and not something that happens automatically. In the same way, it is not possible to appended it with wires, one by one. If it is to be done, definitely the top part (pin) should be taken off. Once that is done, as there is a risk that it could blast, it cannot be attached with wires as such. If somebody had such wires with the hand-bombs ... it is something done to scare others. This is something that has been done to create panic on seeing when students come to school and to close schools once more, police say.
While there is a watcher in this school, two fathers of school students too had come that day to give a helping hand as watchers. A villager who saw some person scooting from school premises has told the watcher about it. As such, on inspection this bag of bombs were found and after that it was notified to police.