Attacker Jameel who died at Dehiwala ...
victim of mental pressure (cctv)

Attacker Jameel who died at Dehiwala ...
It has been confirmed by now that the attack launched by Abdul Latheef Jamil at about 1.45 in the afternoon at Dehiwala has misfired and that this assailant who has been subjected to mental pressure has committed suicide.
Jameel has n fact targeted by setting off bombs at Taj Samudra Hotel as the 4th apart from Cinnamon Grand, Shangri-La and Kingsbury Hotels as well and he has lodged at that hotel the previous night and the following day morning had come to the restaurant and attempted exploding the bomb on
three occasions ... an employee there has informed media.
three occasions ... an employee there has informed media.
After his plan in the morning misfiring, Abdul Latheef Jamil has come to Dehiwala by three-wheel in the afternoon and on the instance he left Taj Samudra Hotel, he has somewhat lost his head at that moment and had even forgotten his luggage two or three times and on guidance of the employees. It is to be found on cctv how he then leaves after taking his luggage.
Having left the hotel he gets into a three-wheeler and goes in a three-wheeler and goes to a lodge known as Dehiwala Tropical Inn and stayed there after which he goes to a Catholic church as was stated in initial reports. However he has spent his time at a mosque enveloped in prayers for hours, seated on the floor and in deep thought. It is also observed how he spent his time gripped with mental pressure as seen by evidence recorded in cctv camera footings.
When he had been standing outside with loss of perhaps self-confidence, some devotees of the mosque has suspected his movements and questioned him while another person has videoed him, questioning him in the process. Since he was an unfamiliar figure at the mosque, those at the mosque have questioned him at length and had tried to direct him to police, it is understood.
In any case, he has tried to flee from that place in a three-wheeler and 5 minutes after having arrived at Tropical Inn where he found lodging ... has exploded the bomb concerned. When considering these factors, it is seen that he had not courageously come forward to achieve his duties unlike other attackers. It also is noted that he had been in action with a sense of mental confusion right from the start. Reports were published that the morning bomb attack failed because he was not able to set up the bomb correctly. How this this aircraft engineer who even had a degree and a post-graduate degree in that field failed in this attempt, nevertheless is a question that remains unanswered. The first opinion that the bomb which he wanted to manipulate at the Dehiwala lodge ended with a blast by mistake is rejected by CCTV records released afresh. As such, it is understood that he very clearly had committed suicide at the Dehiwala lodge and that he had gone to pray to god before dying. The CCTV video where he was a state of mental confusion and those at the mosque questioned him, from below.
Previous full description about Jameel
Aircraft engineer Abdul Latheef Jameel died at the Dehiwala lodge because of failing to set off the Taj Samudra bomb Click HERE