Aircraft engineer Abdul Latheef Jamil died in Dehiwala lodge because he could not blast Taj Samudra bomb
Though the suicide bomber attackers had targeted Taj Samudra Hotel as the 4th hotel apart from Cinnamon Grand, Shangri-La and Kingsbury hotels, as that attempt misfired and that blast did not take place, that explosion did not happen. After having failed in the attempt of Abdul Latheef Jamil misfiring in his attempt, he had come to Dehiwala in a three-wheeler in the afternoon had stayed at the lodge called Tropical Inn and has immediately planned out a search to carry out a blast in a
church in Dehiwala. However as that too failed, he has retired to his lodging-place once again and then committed suicide in his room, it is reported.
church in Dehiwala. However as that too failed, he has retired to his lodging-place once again and then committed suicide in his room, it is reported.
As a result of a suicide bomb set off without any particular motive inside a room in this small lodging-place near Dehiwala zoo, a couple of lovers elsewhere in this lodge lost their lives inside the lodge. A host of further information about data provided by two three-wheel drivers and owner of the lodge and data of Taj Samudra Hotel has been uncovered by now.
This person by the name of Abdul Haleef Jamil Mohommed who lived in Wellabada, Kandy had been in possession of 2 passports. After following his initial studies in Gampaha, he had pursued advanced studies at a leading international school in Colombo. He has acquired his degree in aeronautics engineering during the 2006-07 years at Kingston university in England. Later, it has been revealed from his passports that he had been to Malaysia and Singapore. On inquiring further about him, it has been revealed that he has been to Australia across Malaysia and that he has sat for his post-graduate degree.
While pursuing his studies at Swinburne university in the city of Melbourne, he has associated Muslim extremists and has then turned into a different character, a sister of his has told foreign media. What his sister told was, "He who adorned himself with a long beard turned into an human with no human qualities. He had always been enveloped in thought and did not smile with anybody. He was someone who loved music from his small days. I just can't think how he turned into this state. Before committing this disaster he even refrained from talking with his children in a cordial manner. In the least ... he didn't even let the children listen to music. He had turned into an entirely different man. All this happened after coming from Australia. I always spoke against him. But he always started the conversation by bringing religion at the start. He even sold our ancestral home. He kepand t on selling property from time to time and buying again".
With the plan of exploding setting off the suicide bomb the day before on the morning of 21st, it has been revealed by reports that he had booked a room in Taj Samudra Hotel and gained access to it. Scenes where he checked in have been found. Police suspect that though he has entered the restaurant at Taj Samudra the following day and had tried to blast the bomb, it has not exploded due to a technical fault. What is said by another report is that because there were less people in the restaurant that day, he had changed his strategy.
Whatever it is, when bombs began to go off all over the country, his bomb did not go off at the right time. Later, he has packed the bomb into his bag while in the room and has come out with the big travelling bag. Photographs have been found of this person while alighting from the elevator.
Subsequently he has gone to Wellawatta by three-wheeler and has gone to Dehiwala in another three-wheeler. The driver has said that he has asked him to drop him where a lodge is found in Dehiwala. After that, he has dropped him at Tropical Inn lodge and had gone away. After spending a few minutes at a room in the lodge Jamil has left the bag with the bomb in the room of the lodge and has trekked close to the St. Mary's Catholic church along Atapattu Mawatha, Dehiwala ... evidence was received by police.
Thus he has after walking around the place had then retired to his lodge in a short time and had set off the bomb in his room. As this church in Dehiwala was well-equipped with special security, there is an opinion that he had feared entering the church and instead of the idea of his pre-planned manner of suicide, had committed suicide. In any case, what is reflected by another opinion is that the bomb has accidentally gone off when trying to fix the technical fault.
At the moment of setting off the bomb in his room, the adjoining room too has been subjected to the blast and in the process the two lovers who were in that room was subjected to the bomb and on sustaining serious injury was taken to Kalubowila hospital and were found dead on admission. Because of the explosion the small lodge was destroyed. The deceased in this instance is a 24 year old clerical hand who served at the Labour Office while the her supposed lover happened to be a conductor of a bus. He was a father of two children.