4 Chinese scientists die at Kingsbury Hotel
Chinese embassy confirm that 4 Chinese scientists who arrived here for a research matter in Sri Lanka have died from the suicide bomb attack at Kingsbury Hotel recently. The number of Chinese nationals who lost their nationals from all the attacks are 6 in number and the following are those who died at Kingsbury Hotel and these four are doctors qualified from South China Sea
Institute of Oceanology (SCSIO). They are of the ages of 38, 35, 32 and 28. Here are their details:
Institute of Oceanology (SCSIO). They are of the ages of 38, 35, 32 and 28. Here are their details:
Dr. Jian Li (Born: 1981, male) from South China Sea Institute of Oceanology;
Dr. Wenliang PAN (Born: 1984, male) from South China Sea Institute of Oceanology);
Dr. Dawei Li (Born: 1987, male) from the First Institute of Oceanography;
Dr. Liwei WANG (Born: 1991, male) from the First Institute of Oceanography; Volunteer group leader of CLIVAR Open Science Conference and Early Career Scientist Symposium in 2016.
Though it was previously assumed that the four Chinese nationals had disappeared, after DNA evidence was confirmed, their dead bodies were identified. As reported, this delay resulted because their bodies had been destroyed beyond recognition. Chinese Embassy further informed that another four members of the said China Science Academy had sustained injury and that they have been sent to China for further treatment.