When no money, H.M. grew 'kansa' -- when daughter died of dengue, his life changed -- refused to accept Presidential award -- Kasun did not care ... false rumour
What some media had reported about the death of musician H.M. Jayawardena was only that Kasun Kalhara's father had passed away. But then there is something more to say about him. He in fact was an artiste who revolutionarised an era, so to say. The life story of this small man who holds credit to several musical fascinating creations is indeed an unconventional and extraordinary one.
In the year 2011 a festival of tribute in the school where he studied was held under the name "Obai
ramya sanda" and on that occasion, Rathna Sri Wijeysingha expressed these ideas:
ramya sanda" and on that occasion, Rathna Sri Wijeysingha expressed these ideas:
"Father H.M. Wijeysundera escorts his eldest child called H.M. Jayawardena to Siyambalaanduwa Vidyalaya, brushing aside paddy growing on the sides. Thus it is around year 1950 that the musician called H.M. comes into existence in the village of Maanagala, Kolongoda, Siyambalanduwa.
In the year 1960 H.M. passes the 5th scholarship and comes to Passara Maha Vidyalaya. Find it boring to live in isolation, H.M. writes to his father saying, "Take me away or I shall jump into the school pond and kill myself!". However H.M.'s father did not accede. H.M. had a friend called Kiriwanne. H.M. learned to play the flute from him.
H.M. wrote for his 1965 O/Ls and after leaving studies then joined the group of youngsters suffering from unemployment. After then he goes to village and starts delivering letters. He next works as a manager of a co-operative society. Subsequently arrives in Passara and having got together with friends in Oorana and even joins with 'Govi hamudawa'. This way he finally goes to Sravasti and meets Passara MP Mr. Somapala Seneviratna. Next he meets Mr. Wijayananda Dahanayaka. Then arming himself with a letter from Mr. Amaradeva and goes to Ceylon Broadcasting Corporation and joins as a flutist for a salary of Rs. 750 after meeting Mr. Elvitigala. What happens next is that he gets fed up of Colombo life and comes to Lunuwila and starts gemming.
While in Lunuwila he happens to create a melody for a song by Malani. From there onwards he becomes second only to Mr. Rohana Weerasingha in the creations he brought forward. In the meantime he weds Malani and Kalhara is born in 81. In the process, his small daughter is preyed upon by dengue. H.M. for three days breaks rest at her tomb for three days and it was with sheer effort that he is brought back home. He is such an extraordinary character ... a wonderful man.
Leading a life of that manner he next switches into film music. Before long he claims the Sarasaviya Award for the film Aradhana. However he refutes it. He had a spine. What he then says is that it is not he who should get that award but Kemadsa Master who made 'Thunveni yaame'. The only person who rejected an award other than H.A. Seneviratna is H.M.
At a later time, H.M. speaks about his life in a newspaper interview in this manner: "In school ... I found English and Geography something that upset me. During the interval I would take my books with me and creep into the hostel and at time school is over I used to once again creep into school and come out with the children. But I studied music with great interest. However I failed in some subjects and when I reached the 10th standard, I lost the opportunity for thee scholarship. But I was very skillful in the school band. But then after school ... nobody stepped into the field of music as such.
Having failed in school subjects and losing the scholarship, my schooling stopped. I then went back to my village and cutting timber with the support of a brother of my father. A friend called Banda also joined in and got 60 cents when a foot of satinwood was cut. So we used to make some tea and drink it and smoke a 'ganja' cigar. In the meantime used to get engaged in chena cultivation. To earn money I used to grow 'kansa' also ... so nothing wrong in saying this now, no.
During the time I was involved in the timber-field, I saw a vacancy advertised in the newspaper and applied for it. Passara MP and ten other MPs signed and gave me a letter to Radio Ceylon. What the head Mr. Elvitigala said was that though letters are brought from MPs ... no jobs will be given to me. Later it was after that I went and met Amaradeva Master. The History teacher of our school, Vasantha Obeysekera sir also gave me a letter. Subsequently I managed to get the casual post of flutist at Radio Ceylon.
One day I had to record three songs. I had a couple of shots from a place closeby and got down to the job. That day I couldn't sing at all. Elvitigala Master blamed me and it ended up with a small tiff also. I gradually realised that singing was not my line. I came across Malini Bulathsinghala at Radio Ceylon. Some were studying at university of fine arts. I also stepped in there. But that was not to study there ... but to meet Malini.
Somehow we got married and got two children. I loved Kasun putha as much as I loved my daughter. But tragically daughter died having got dengue. That was the time my life collapsed. On night times memories of daughter came to my mind and I used to go to the place where she was buried and started remembering her; I used to sleep there. Some said that this was a bout of lunacy. But I became sensitive over daughter. It was abroad that Malini was lost. So nothing to do. Some things we cannot prevent.
Kemadasa Master was a strange person. He would never prepare a melody for a song beforehand. He would come for the job and straight away get down to it. I am of course not a Kemadasa fanatic as such. I discarded two Sarasaviya awards I got. The film was 'Muhudu lihini' and it was for the Best Melody and Background Singing. Master gave me a call and asked, "What is this that you have done?" I told Master ... "When there is a good story ... that means music of your "Thunveni yaamaya" ... I won't accept the award for this" and that there is no use in this 'sammana mangula'!
At the time H.M. Jayawardena was becoming sick, it was published across the media that Mr. Jayawardena was living in a rented house with much financial difficulties and that support is warranted from the state or any responsible person to carry on his life. At that time Kasun Kalhara wa a singer who used to earn a handsome some of money in Sri Lanka. Rumours began to float around for the first time in 2017 that he was an Ajasaththa character who did not care about his father. On that occasion H.M. responded to it.
"Those stories are utter false. This is entirely an attempt to sling mud at Kasun because I and Kasun get along with each other like friends. Like two friends more than father and son. We had no time to meet each other because I too am burdened with work. He also is the same. But Kasun would frequently see about me. To get my medical treatment ... a big amount of money is needed for that and Kasun attends to all that expenditure. I am very disappointed over this propaganda because there is nothing like that between the two of us. Kasun would inquire about my health. If ever I needed some help ... he would immediately attend to it. It is he who is there to help me in every way. Kasun would give of all his duties as my son without any distinction. I am indeed very disheartened about this propaganda. In the same way I ask the media not to circulate false rumour".