Dubai reports that all those arrested ... had taken drugs
A senior officer of Police Special Task Force has informed that it was confirmed that at the moment Madush and other suspects were taken into custody in a Dubai hotel, had already consumed narcotics. It was reported that on checking blood samples of the suspects, Dubai security units have confirmed it.
Investigations had commenced after underground leader Makandure Madush and his associates were
brought to Al-Rafah Police subsequent to their arrest and then detained in a prison cell in Abihul Almullah Plaza in Dubai. There had been 5 frontline narcotics dealers among those arrested and the others were those who were present on Madush's invitations. Among the arrested artistes such as Amal Perera, Ryan Van Royan and Nadeemal Perera. Under the above conditions, it can be assumed they too were participants of narcotics.
brought to Al-Rafah Police subsequent to their arrest and then detained in a prison cell in Abihul Almullah Plaza in Dubai. There had been 5 frontline narcotics dealers among those arrested and the others were those who were present on Madush's invitations. Among the arrested artistes such as Amal Perera, Ryan Van Royan and Nadeemal Perera. Under the above conditions, it can be assumed they too were participants of narcotics.
Whatever it is, what a senior officer of Police Special Task Force said in relation to blood samples was that 31 of them had used narcotics. Prior to this, according to Dubai reports, when it was reported that a crowd of 20 or 25 were as the number arrested; it is perplexing as to how samples of 31 of the arrested could take place. In any case, after it is revealed that narcotics have been taken, it was stated in Dubai reports that it would be a difficult task as to how the arrested could be brought down to this country. The reason for it is that since it is a serious offence in that country, the law in that country is that an inquiry about such an offence is handled in that country.
It was mentioned in Dubai reports that it is after that it would be inquired whether the person is a wanted suspect in Sri Lanka. Where Dubai law is concerned, possession of illicit drugs and using same is a crime which warrants death sentence at its highest and that sentence is executed in a very short time possible, unlike in Sri Lanka. If such a punishment is imposed ... there is no point in diplomatic mediation as such!