"Strived for 3 years to search for 'village beauty' of Sunlight commercial" -- Rohitha

"Strived for 3 years to search for 'village beauty' of Sunlight commercial" -- Rohitha

"Strived for 3 years to search for 'village beauty' of Sunlight commercial" -- Rohitha

Mahinda Rajapaksa's son who entered into marriage yesterday revealed his love story spanning a period of 8 years ... to the media. This is how he described in his own words that the moment his thoughts rattled in his mind about striking up a friendship with the 'Sunlight advt. village girl' whom he saw on a television screen during physical training and having had tiffs with her and then patching up again many a time and finally managing to trap Tatiyana as his lifetime partner:

"Our love story goes back about 8 years. I was doing workouts at the gym. We had a sir called Ranga
Sir. Actually I was doing a lap cooldown. In front was a TV. A TV commercial was running in front. At that time I a girl dressed in a yellow frock in the TV commercial ... it was a frock with flowers on it. Everybody knows the Sunlight advt. She was running across the village. I just told Sir "see ... fantastic girl, looks like from the village ... this, must somehow find her from somewhere" I first told Sir. At that time I didn't know from where ... didn't know any information. When I said so, Sir said, 'now forget about those things, stick to your workout'.

From then onwards I searched for 2 or 3 years ... who this girl is in the Sunlight advt. Really I told our Ranga Sir ... 'doesn't matter even if she's from the village ... if she's a good girl'. I don't want to tell a lie ... I first of all liked her appearance. I told, 'beautiful girl Sir'.

So I was searching for a period of 2 or 3 years. When searching like that, I came across a friend who knew her. After that it was through that friend the connection was made. Before getting friendly, I had to really go through the mill to carry on as a friend. At that time she was quite small. not much of a talk either. So it was really a tough time I went through and finally came to know her.

After that we were carrying on as normal friends for one and a half years. It was after that I asked her consent. Now 7 years has passed after asking her like that. Actually I said that over the phone. We kept company with each other as friends that time. At that time she used to tell all her problems to me. She used to talk about those things. There were numerous stories. She told all that. One day I was terribly in anger. That moment thinking that I'll tell this thing and drop everything ... and told about my love straight away. I simply said that I like her. The moment I said that ... she couldn't speak anymore as if by shock and kept the phone down. I thought .. that's the end. After that I also didn't want to talk anymore. Anyway it was she herself who called and said 'okay'. So accordingly we decided to enter into a romance.

We were like good friends, no. All her problems she used to tell me; but I avoided telling mine. It was all her problems that she would tell me. I was making a good study about her. I knew her likes and dislikes, because though I had something about her in my mind for 3 or 4 years ... she had nothing like that in her mind.

Actually it is a story running into a long 7 years. At the beginning we were fighting. But now we haven't had quarrels for 3 or 4 years as such. Now we have a good understanding between the two of us. At the beginning of course everybody keeps fighting for small small things, no. If at all any such tiffs flared up ... it was because of me. But it is I myself who would patch up again. That means, it is easy because of the manner in which she has come to know me.

At any time that I have lost my temper she will not speak ... won't come to the phone ... nothing. She cuts off all communication for that matter. Later when I cool down ... when anger has gone away, I would tell her that I am in the fault and then make up again. At times, even if she is at fault, I would for lies say that I am in the fault and so bury the hatchet. No big problems flared up as such. That is why the bond existed for a long time like this.

She had been with us at every occasion in life. She had been in both victory and defeat. What is seen by that is her intelligence and understanding, I believe. She would speak with anybody. She would not go into religion, caste or age as such. She would even talk with a granny in the village. That humbleness is what I admire. It is that humility what counts when getting connected to a political family. It is that quality of hers that I admire most".

The commercial advertisement in which Tatyana appeared first, from below

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