50 TV channels, 50 radio stations after Lotus Tower is opened in March
Telecommunication Regulatory Commission informs that operations of Colombo Lotus Tower is to commence this March. What project director of the tower said was that finishing touches of the tower is coming to a close. The Lotus Tower which is 350 metres in height is considered as the second highest building in South Asia while the telecommunications tower being used by Navy forces in that country is the tallest in South Asia.
After Lotus Tower is erected, it is expected to be used as a multi-purpose building. From the antenna
fixed from the topmost part of the tower by Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, facilities are expected to be provided for 50 radio stations, 20 telecommunication service providers and 50 television services from the antenna installed. Through this process it will be possible to conduct transmission activities from one place by removing several telecommunication towers.
fixed from the topmost part of the tower by Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, facilities are expected to be provided for 50 radio stations, 20 telecommunication service providers and 50 television services from the antenna installed. Through this process it will be possible to conduct transmission activities from one place by removing several telecommunication towers.
The lowest part of the tower comprises of four floors and it will have an exhibition hall, a conference hall plus a museum. As there is concrete slab running upto 335 metres height from those floors; elevators are fixed in between. After that, the part which takes the shape of the lotus at the top has 8 floors. Those comprise of a festival hall, two hotels, an observation gallery and a revolving restaurant. 600 restaurant guests will be able to paronise this revolving restaurant at one and the same time and the whole city of Colombo comes into view from there. 104 million American dollars are expended to erect this tower and eighty percent of that money is granted by EXIM Bank of China.