Special address from Mahinda ... tomorrow 15th -- President will not budge!

Special address from Mahinda ... tomorrow 15th -- President will not budge!

Special address from Mahinda ... tomorrow 15th -- President will not budge!

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa whose position has been subjected to a challenge with no faith motion being passed at yesterday's parliament gathering, will be getting ready to make a special speech in parliament tomorrow the 15th, it was understood. Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara confirmed that Prime Minister has confirmed to the media around 7.30 pm that he is to make a special address to the House tomorrow. 

Opposition MPs have taken action to forward 122 signed confirmation that they would be opposing Mahinda Rajapaksa in the no faith motion held in parliament today 14th. As several individuals
around whom rumours circulated that they have shifted to Mahinda's side while several ministers who held posts in Mahinda's regime had shifted to the Opposition, the issue about the majority has ended up in serious confusion. 

Though new Leader of the House Dinesh Gunawardena wanted to postpone parliament early this morning, it was foiled because of the no faith motion that the JVP had introduced. Whatever it is, Even after the second objection that it cannot be presented by neglecting standing orders was overruled by Mahinda supporters later standing orders were removed with confirmation of common proposals, the Speaker made it an opportunity to take a vote on the no faith motion thereafter. 

However, the Speaker was not in a position to carry on with the voting procedure because the crowd who left the House in an indisciplined manner and because of the crowd that displayed a fighting atmosphere. In that instance he announced that on the voice vote Mahinda Rajapaksa and his supporters have been defeated. Other than that, the document containing the 122 signatures too were in possession of the Speaker and he informed President about all these details and thus provided the opportunity for President to choose the ruling party with the majority faith. 

There was no response from President in this regard even till 8 in the night today and it was not reported that he had taken any interest in at least having a discussion with a UNP representative either. What Minister Vasudeva stated was that President has not accepted contents of the Speaker's letter. 

In the meantime, a special meeting was held by the incumbent party and when leaving the meeting after discussions were over, Minister S.B. said that, "We will continue with this government ... who is Speaker to question the majority". When a journalist queried whether it is possible to show the majority, he had replied saying, "today 6 of the TNA and Badiudeen's people did not turn up ... we'll see that in the future". 

Under these conditions, a chaotic situation has been created. News has gone round that President would be postponing parliament for a later date of suspending the gazette till the date of December 7th when it would be taken for hearing when courts would take over the matter. Whatever it is, it is not clear what Prime Minister is going to talk about in parliament tomorrow the 15th. It is possible that it would either be that he would tender his resignation or ask for support or look forward for permission of the majority to dissolve parliament.    
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