Activities of government in chaos -- 16 UNP MPs to return to their former ministries!

Activities of government in chaos -- 16 UNP MPs to return to their former ministries!

Activities of government in chaos --
16 UNP MPs to return to their former ministries!

According to the chaotic situation that has emerged, it is difficult to imagine what sort of a situation would dawn on the country at any moment. As a result of a President who holds to a severe opinion coupled with a clash among political parties, even operations in offices  and public life has gone haywire. It is the government service employees who are at the receiving end most in this instance. Various forms of transformations took place in the government and semi-government sectors in a more or less degree. It was some services where
Politics have got to the root of it where the situation was severe.

In the meantime, after Prime Minister and his government party lost in the no faith motion yesterday (14), a part of the  public assume that there is no active government. Another section of the say that the government has still not changed as such. As an outcome of this tug-o-war, the masses have lost an understanding about what is happening to them. It is not only people who have no interest in Politics who are suffering at the expense of this impact made on both the court and the constitution by the executive.
And in the meantime not only them, only the helpless people live on the idea that 'whoever it is ... it is the same to us' too have have got involved in the midst of this mess up.

After the no faith victory yesterday (14), what was announced at United National Front party leaders' meeting is to join in protests launched in Colombo today the 15th and to go to their ministries from tomorrow 16th before October 26th and proceed with their duties. It was also mentioned there that all decisions of the President have been brought to nought according to judgement given in courts and parliament ad as a consequence, previous positions would take effect as they were before.

If matters were to take place in that manner tomorrow the 16th ... the situation could turn out to be absolutely perilous. As an example, it is possible that juniors of ministers who have now been appointed and subordinates of former ministers could get involved in a clash thus paving the way for for an unfortunate situation which flared up in the incident related to the Petroleum Corporation before this. This complicated situation should be settled by somebody. Greediness for power, greediness for high positions are not matters which are of any use any further to the country.
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