Speaker directs parliament under police protection ... on his feet!

Speaker directs parliament under police protection ... on his feet!

Speaker directs parliament under police protection ... on his feet!

2.40 update
By now the crowd in parliament has left and cleaning activities have started with the workers there.

As a result of an attack in parliament UNP MP has sustained injuries and it is understood that member of parliament Prasanna Ranaweera has thrown water mixed with chilli powder on his eyes. In the meantime the President has released a special press announcement saying that he would under
no circumstances stop present parliamentary sessions.

2.22 update
The Speaker arrived in parliament in the afternoon around 2.15 under police protection and the Mahinda faction took steps to carry his chair away. Police protection was provided round the Speaker and the mace. On that occasion, the Speaker made an effort to conduct proceedings by standing and with much protection of police. On that occasion the said members of parliament were seen throwing various items at the police too.

When permission was requested to call for the no faith motion to be taken in for debate at that moment, and was approved, he stated that it was not possible to make a vote, the no faith motion was thus passed. The House was adjourned till 19th of November thereafter. At that moment the Mahinda faction started making fun of everything by hooting.

1.45 update
It has not been possible to commence parliament in an official manner today. That is because of a protest launched by the UPFA. At the present moment they are seiging the Speaker's chair. Member of parliament Arundika Fernando has gone to the extent of sitting on the Speaker's chair. Members of parliament showing their protest, by complaining that Palitha Thevarapperuma and Ranjan Ramanayaka have armed themselves with knives yesterday and in these circumstances a tensed situation has arisen in parliament. They are by now surrounding Speaker's seat and engaged in protest. Since Arundika Fernando has taken
Arundika Fernando has taken possession of the Speaker's chair, the Speaker is not in a position to access that place. They are shouting slogans asking that Palitha Thevarapperumabe taken into custody. Further, they are engaged in shouting "we won't give up our powers - if it's not possible we won't come!" It is not possible to begin parliament under such circumstances.

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