'Baiting system' rears its head again -- judgement of who the Prime Minister is ... within 48 hours!

'Baiting system' rears its head again -- judgement of who the Prime Minister is ... within 48 hours!

'Baiting system' rears its head again -- judgement of who the Prime Minister is ... within 48 hours!

The revolution that President Maithripala Sirisena brought about so soon in the country became a worry to the country. It was on the setting up the deal on the belief based on the majority, thus appointing Mahinda to the position of Prime Minister on October 2th and afterwards keeping the parliament out of bounds for a period of 21 days.

Though an operation was launched with Basil who had a special skill for this at head of operations, the change which took place of those whom he pinned faith on, ultimately ended up in sabotage. Ravi who informed that he would come with a group of 12 did not keep to his promise because of a
problem associated with a position of minister thus turned to the UNP; and Badiudeen who said that he would come with his group of 5 and Rauff Hakeem who informed that he would come with 7 and Muslim Political Organisation finally bending down to Shura Council and deciding to make a reversal in the end had to face a loss of 24 in total.

Basil had tried to draw as many people as possible from the Tamil Alliance supporting the UNP in order to fill this gap, rumours began to circulate. However, the UNP very sharply joined hands with diplomats and managed to put a plaster on Basil's mouth because of the influence of America and Western countries. Basil had received information that if at all if it came to be known that he was to commit himself to a conspiracy, he would be subjected to a risk of losing his American citizenship.

The instance where political colleagues of Putin of Russia faced a similar fate before this was an example in this context. Therefore, Basil took leave of this incident. With defeat appearing on the horizon and parliament not being able to be opened, Gotabhaya went to Temple Trees and met Ranil and had discussed some other solution, it is said. But what Ranil had said was to look for a different solution other than the parliament.
In the end, thinking whether there would be legal issues or not next go into an act of dissolving parliament. When parliament was dissolved, the parties got ready to go in for an election. In the meantime as a result of the judgement pronounced by Supreme Court in a matter of three days, the topic of the majority in parliament cropped up once again. However, the Alliance who having realised that there was no majority on their side and had dropped the idea of going in for a contest was not able to face this situation at all. As such, under these circumstances an act of sabotage would be the more suitable option they then thought. The Alliance faction tried the stunt of postponing the session on Wednesday (14) when parliament opened and later when a vote was just about to be taken over the no faith motion to get up from their seats and thus dissolve this  moment on deciding the majority.

Subsequently, when Mahinda's speech was made on the second day, Thursday (15) and when the proposal was brought forward to go for a vote,  an attempt was made to assault the Speaker and chase him away and thus end that day with sabotage. In the process, the President summoned United National Freedom Alliance and their counterparts on the night of 15th and suggested a method of dragging on this matter, informed about bringing in a formal no faith motion. It was evident from the behavioural pattern of the government party on Friday the 16th from the dialogue that ensued according to the advice of Mahinda faction; that this matter be dragged on for a number of days which then was a strategy employed in this connection. The cabinet and the parliamentary group under President Maithri had no interest in providing an opportunity for a clear mode of no faith motion by giving ear to him. If no faith motion is passed in a formal manner on Friday (16) in parliament, since Mahinda and his regime would have to go home, the Speaker's chair was blocked, thus creating an environment where it was not possible to proceed with activities in parliament. This was with support of unpleasant, uneducated members of parliament making attacks and yelling in the process. President Maithripala Sirisena has resorted to bring up a suspicion about the majority and indicating necessity of complexities about documentary matters and thus not taken action to remove Mahinda from his portfolio of Prime Minister.

What was heard this afternoon (17) was President announcing that the manner in which the majority was indicated is incorrect and had once again told United National Front to show the majority and to come and meet him on forthcoming day. The President has also mentioned that he abhors the name of Ranil as Prime Minister. Whatever it is, though the United National Front was ready to meet President, arming themselves with the document containing signatures of 113 signitaries, they have had no opportunity for it, it is understood.

In the meantime it is informed that operations of the 'baiting system' which has been dropped by now has been activated once again. Whatever it is, according to news received, as Basil is not able to come into the open, Yoshitha is supposed to be taking over the operations. In any case, as heard, the auction this time has reached a high peak and many patrons have come forward, it is said. Therefore, the Alliance would be somehow or other striving to build up their clan. Under these conditions, the President is supposed to be making the final decision about the position of Prime Minister in relation to the majority within the next 48 hours. 

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