Pandemonium in parliament!

Pandemonium in parliament!

Pandemonium in parliament!

The letter sent by President to Speaker today in parliament it was emphasised by Speaker Karu Jayasuriya that he has not accepted it.

During the address made by Mahinda Rajapaksa in parliament what he focused attention in that instance was about references to reports concerning the depreciation of the Rupee and the price of petrol and that an attempt was launched to assassinate President Maithri. In the process, Lakshman Kiriella of United National Party requested for a vote
saying that there was no confidence about Mahinda's speech. Just then, a mobster group of Mahinda's group approached the Speaker attempting to assault him when a heated atmosphere developed thereafter. What member of parliament Lakshman Kiriella proposed was to conduct the vote by name.

The Speaker then questioned the consent of the House about taking a vote in that manner and when getting ready take the vote this tensed situation erupted in the House. MPs representing the government began surrounding the Speaker and started protesting and as a result of the heated consequences that arose, with some of these members of parliament resorting to hail a waste paper basket and water bottle at the Speaker, the reporter says.

In the meantime, a fracas ensued between Prasanna Ranaweera representing United People's Freedom Alliance and member of parliament Navin Dissanayaka in the chamber. Member of parliament Sidney Jayaratna who was in the midst of this protest launched by members of parliament of both the government and the Opposition had fallen on the floor. In the process of flicking a microphone close to the Speaker's seat, member of parliament Dilum Amunugama's hand was injured and was taken to hospital, it is reported.
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