Secretaries and new ministries

Secretaries and new ministries

Secretaries and new ministries

New secretaries appointed to 12 cabinet ministries received their appointment letters this afternoon (30) at Presidential Secretariat from President Maithripala Sirisena.

Their list of names, is as follows:
01 - Mr. Hemasiri Fernando - Ministry of Defence

02 - Mr. D.M.A.R.B. Dissanaika - Ministry of Mahaweli Development and                      Environment

03. Mr. R.P. Ariyasingha - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

04. Mr. L.P. Jayampathy - Ministry of Ports and Shipping

05. Mr. K.D.S. Ruwanchandra - Ministry of Agriculture

06. Dr. B.M.S. Batagoda - Ministry of Power and Renewable Energy

07. Mr. Padmasiri Jayamanna - Ministry of Education and Higher Education

08. Mr. H.T. Kamal Padmasiri - Ministry of Provincial Councils. Local                          Government and Sports

09. Mr. V. Sivagnanasothi - Ministry of Rehabilitation, Resettlement and                   Northern Development and Hindu Religion

10. Mr. M.M.P.K. Mayadunne - Ministry of Fisheries, Aquatic Resources                      Development and Rural Economy

11. Mrs. S.M. Mohommed - Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife

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