Dress code for female lawyers amended by gazette ...
because of Sugandika wearing frock!

Dress code for female lawyers amended by gazette ...
An extraordinary gazette announcement has been released by government in connection with the attire of lady lawyers. As such ... white, black, grey or mauve saree and jacket or white, black, grey or mauve frock below knee length or black coat and black long trousers upto ankle with high-necked white long-sleeved shirt with collar tucked inside the trouser and black gown/cloak have been advised as the new dress code.
In the case of maternity-wear, it shall be a black high-necked long frock below the knee-length with a
white long-sleeved shirt and black gown or the saree and jacket; the said colours with black gown/cloak.
This gazette has been released according to a decision arrived at by judicial services commission and its members headed by the supreme court. Prior to this, an uproar flared up after attorney-at-law Sugandhika Fernando appeared in court wearing a frock. Last June an incident was reported where she had appeared for a court case at Marawila court wearing a cloak over a frock and she was warned by the magistrate and even Marawila Lawyers' Association had protested about it. They had in fact reported matters in writing to the courts protesting against this lady lawyer's attire. It was mentioned therein that Mrs. Sugandhika has come to court dressed in a pyjama-type frock a number of days, thus causing disrespect to court.
On an inquiry made by media those days Mrs. Sugandhika responded by admitting that the story that she went to court dressed in frock was true but that there are provisions for it by law. As such, Sri Lanka Lawyers' Association has taken steps to release a new gazette announcement about the code of dress in order to cover the gap that so far existed.