"In Japan of course ... 70s mean, middle age" -- Mahinda's Japan talk

 "In Japan of course ... 70s mean, middle age" -- Mahinda's Japan talk

"In Japan of course ... 70s mean, middle age" -- Mahinda's Japan talk

Former President participated at a celebration held at a vihara in Ahungalla. After the celebrations, a lunch also had been prepared. Mahinda enjoyed his lunch surrounded by members of parliament inclusive of Janaka Wakkumbura.

What Mahinda spoke about during the course of
his lunch was about Japanese having their food. "The eating pattern in Japan is different. I came across a Buddhist priest in Japan. He asked me what my age was. I then asked him as to whether he could guess my age. What he said was that my age would be around 70 years. I said that I was 73. After that he told that in Japan ... 70 years means middle age. He said that a person who is of middle age can engage well in politics". Mahinda thus went on sharing experiences in Japan.

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