Public support solicited to pay Nawaloka bill of deceased Prins, for 25 lakhs

 Public support solicited to pay Nawaloka bill of deceased Prins, for 25 lakhs

Public support solicited to pay Nawaloka bill of deceased Prins, for 25 lakhs

At the time Prins Udaya Priyantha left us forever yesterday the hospital bill has amounted to about Rs. 2500000 and members of his family were able to have the dead body released from hospital with the hospital authorities obtaining a written request that the bill would be settled to Nawaloka Hospital within the space of a month.

President of Gayaka Gaika Sangamaya, singer Kirthi Pasqual has made mention on his Facebook
Page that the sum of Rs. 25 lakhs to remove the body of Prins Udaya Priyantha by his sister was an arduous task for her and that help is necessary in that connection. Kirthi reminds readers that an amount of about 125 lakhs was expended for hospital bills within a period of 2 years by selling lands and from public donations. It was said that they were pressed for money when the last dose of medicine had to be purchased from the pharmacy and thus rendered helpless when it was with the mediation of a Manager they were able to secure that last dose of medicine on behalf of Prins. As such, Kirthi has made a plea to render a helping hand in this instance by quoting the sister's bank account number as follows

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