Menaka who leaves professor ... goes for dancer

 Menaka who leaves professor ... goes for dancer

Menaka who leaves professor ... goes for dancer

Teledrama actors and actresses who enjoy fantastic wedding ceremonies on a grand scale are noted to face changes after a short time and as a result on a number of occasions have had to encounter various inconveniences as have been reported these days.

Tele-actress Menaka Peiris exchanged wedding rings towards the end of 2016 with Amer, a young Sri
Lankan Assistant Professor living in Norway. When the wedding was drawing nigh, this is how the bridegroom was introduced him to her fans:

"S. Amer is in Norway and he is an Assistant Professor of a university there. At the same time he is a senior consultant for an oil company. It's exactly 9 months since both of us came to know each other. The wedding was finalised in one month after that. We came to know each other through a proposal. The proposal came on February 21st. We spoke to each other over skype for several days but the video was not switched on as such. It was only 4 days after that the video was switched on and we actually saw each other. We don't want to postpone the wedding. By March 21st even the hotels were booked.

It was my mother who introduced him to me. What I looked for was a good person who was a non-drinker and non-smoker. He really was a person of that type. When he first spoke to me he didn't know that I was an actress ... because he hasn't been in Sri Lanka for some time. But after getting to know that I was an actress, he told me to keep away from that field and come to reside in Norway. I liked that decision. I'll bid goodbye to acting later".

Menaka who spoke those words in November 2014 had her wedding ceremony in December on a grand scale. The photo gallery of all three occasions of the pre-wedding shoot, the wedding ceremony and the homecoming were published in our website too. It is true that she migrated after marriage. Whatever it is, when she returned to Sri Lanka alone before five or six months elapsed, what she told newspapers was that she came alone because her husband was involved with his work, but that she would be returning there once again. However, she had continuously accepted teledrama assignments and during recent times she even played roles of teledrama characters which incidentally were etched on the minds of viewers. She however refrained from exposing problems of her personal life. But the attachment between the couple had actually fallen apart unknown to anybody. They had even obtained their divorce.

By now Menaka is getting ready for a new marriage. The new partner is Ranil Kulasingha, a teledrama actor hailing from a generation of dancers. Ranil clicked with Menka mostly because both shared the common interest of dancing. The two of them who met each other in this field are making arrangements to engage in matrimony in the near future. Menaka is supposed to conduct dancing courses in future. As a pre-preparation for this, sometime recently Menaka who had accompanied Ranil to Rupavahini artiste programmes exposed this 'love affair' ... but has not made any comments whatsoever regarding the broken up attachments. Shown below is the marriage ceremony of 2014 and the collection of related photos

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