BA Degree for convict sentenced to death ... for first time in history!

 BA Degree for convict sentenced to death ... for first time in history!

BA Degree for convict sentenced to death ... for first time in history!

A certain person serving a death sentence was successful in securing the Bachelor of Arts Degree externally from the University of Sri Jayawardenepura for the first time in the history of Prisons.

This Degree was conferred on B.A. Lakmina Bamumusigha a former Sub Inspector who is detained at Welikada Prisons in connection with the Mohammed Shyam homicide case. Bamunusingha was one of those who was involved in being one of the members of the police team that was connected in the setting of murdering well-known footwear importing businessman Shyam on a contract basis. During that period he had completed his First Year of his external Degree of Bachelor of Arts at Sri Jayawardenepura University. After being imprisoned, he had completed his Second and Third Years of the Degree within the prison cell.

On a special request made, he was provided CDs relevant to the lectures concerned by the University of Sri Jayawardenepura and permission was granted for him to continue with his studies by utilising those CD audio cassettes. He had during those years passed all exams in those years simultaneously.

Prison officers have mentioned that a rare incident of this nature has never occured so far in the history of the Prisons and being successful in securing a Degree of this type by a person who has been subjected to death sentence from a famous trial without letting his entire life collapse before him with just sheer self-effort which is indeed they say a wonderful example for other prisoners. The convocation is to take place this evening (5) at 8.00 am at Bandaranaike International Memorial Hall.
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