Who is it who's going to marry me?

Who is it who's going to marry me?

Actress Udayanthi Kulatunga who came in for a lot of slander because of sensational incidents in the past has exposed about her disappointments, love and marriage to a newspaper after some time. 

These are the responses she made to questions posed to her: 
* Didn't you have problems and and worries during the past because of Politics?
I can't say it's because of Politics alone. I am not a person
who was involved in Politics in a big way as such. I think those things that took place happened during my bad period. I haven't steped on the stage even for the sake of Politics. The other thing is that I am not a person who did any wrong to anybody, knowingly. I of course had a love for some characters. So it's only a love that I had. Apart from that I haven't done any wrong. I think that it was an unlucky period that I passed. 

* What do you think about life?
Even earlier I didn't have very many hopes. Even now it's like that. It's only a small disappointment that I have in my heart. 

* Disappointment? About your Field or life?
No .. no ... not something like that. Actually those who were with me in the Field were always by my side whenever I had a problem or trouble. I want to tell that here.

* Then you spoke about a disappointment?
About my ownself.

* Don't you think that it's better to get married and settle down?
So ... what I have to ask is .. as to who's going to marry me.

* If there's someone who likes to marry you?
Yes ... definitely ... actually I don't feel anything like a love for anyone. I don't know why.

* So what you Udayanthi is saying is that you don't have a lover?
Yes ... no lover.

* Don't you Udayanthi have a dream like other girls, actresses to have a wedding in the way they dream?
I still even this day think that I won't marry. So I don't think about any of those things.

* What do you feel about the time that passed?
When problems came ... I would have cried a lot.But now I am used to it. Nature may have given me a bad period those days. What can I do for that! I am just looking up and waiting. I have gone down a lot. Even mentally I can't bear it up. Now of course I am free from all that. I don't know whether I'll die even tomorrow. False allegations were brought against me ... even when not doing anything wrong. So god only knows. Life ... what I can say is that I am an innocent girl. I keep only to myself. Popularity I think came with my beauty. I won't face any of these problems if I was just an ordinary girl ... I think that way at times".

Discussion -- Yuganthi Yashodara       

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