Mobile brothel inside Bambalapitiya camper van ... cordoned!

Mobile brothel inside Bambalapitiya camper van ... cordoned!

Mobile brothel inside Bambalapitiya camper van ... cordoned!

Bambalapitiya Police have been able to get at a luxurious van known as the camper van equipped with beds, kitchen etcetera used in the case of going camping which had been transformed into a mobile brothel house with customers being given an
opportunity to get to bed with prostitutes inside that vehicle. 

This particular van which toured for a long period in Bambalapitiya area had catered to both foreigners as well as locals who solicited their services. The police who cornered this vehicle around 4.00 at dusk day-before-yesterday close to Emilda Place had been able to get at the individual who was operating the business and 3 females engaged in this vocation while inside the vehicle. The police say that the females who were found engaging in these activities were identified as residents of Minneriya, Uda Walawa and Kundasale and were of the ages of 23, 27 and 28. It was found at investigations that they were offered at a sum of about Rs. 5000 each to those who patronised them.
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