Reason for not giving father's body to Medical College -- Ranjana Amaradeva explains

Reason for not giving father's body to Medical College -- Ranjana Amaradeva explains

It was observed that various criticisms were aimed at how the final rites of the great maestro of our motherland who left us by leaving the whole country in sorrow. were carried out.  Though it was the Last Will to hand over the body to the Medical College, one such criticism was that his request was not carried out as a
result of politicians. Though nobody came forward to respond those days, Dr. Amaradeva's only son Ranjana has made an explanation to the newspapers a few days later in this context.

This is what he had said. "My father was suffering for sometime from an ailment in the lungs. On and off an asthmatic condition was noted. In the same way he used to take treatment for high blood pressure. A crowd of very attached doctors assisted him in prolonging his life against these ailments. When my father got up on the morning of November 3rd he was in somewhat of a sick condition. Then by six thirty I realised that father was gripped with the difficulty he had in breathing which then was getting worse. I got scared. At that moment if we were to take him to the Colombo General Hospital it would be delayed; therefore we took him to Jayawardenepura Hospital which was closer. As the last resort the doctors said that they would perform a surgery on father. After the operation when they came out, from the looks on their faces I knew that the situation was not good. Even unknown faces went into some shock just as much as we did. It was a big responsibility that came over my shoulders because we were wondering how to carry out the funeral activities of my father in a suitable manner. 

Father and mother may have discussed to hand over the body to the medical College once he passes away. What mother said was to carry out the request. But even though father belonged to us, all of us realised that he belongs to us no more. My father was an asset to the country. Even if the body of a famous and loving person such as my father was given to the Medical College, we came to understand that the doctors were backward in accepting the body. Because they too had the problem "How can we do so to Amaradeva Sir?" Finally my mother resolved to change the previous decision on behalf of the people of this country who loved father. 

In the process, there also was a suggestion from someone that Dr. Amaradeva's body be conserved. That suggestion of course all of us rejected ... because that's not our culture. On the other hand we thought that other than Amaradeva's creations and his philosophy, it is a useless thing to keep an immobile body. Mr. Sunil Fonseka, Mr. Sunil Ariyaratna, the Ministers headed by the President and officers of the ministries took great pains to attend to funeral activities in the most sanctimonious manner. I believe that it was an immense honour brought to my father".

Note of discussion -- Savithri Withanage 
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