Proposed holiday resort in Sri Pada stalled by the central environmental authority

 Proposed holiday resort in Sri Pada stalled by the central environmental authority

Proposed holiday resort in Sri Pada stalled by the central environmental authority

The proposed holiday resort that was t be constructed on the 'Peakfield' estate in Nallathandiya has been stalled by the authorities of the central environmental authority.

This had been decided upon after the authorities of the central environmental authority had made
an inspection at the proposed site on the 31st instant.

The superintendent of the  estate Dishan Seneviratne has added to the media that he had received certain instructions from the related authorities.

It is learnt that an old  holiday resort that existed belonging to the same 'Peakfield' estate had been demolished and a new resort above the Mousakele reservoir.In this connection the authorities of the estate had obtained permission from the national building research institute and the Ambagamuwa Pradeshiya sabha.This was revealed to the media by the superintendent of the estate.

It is reported that on the construction of this new holiday resort there had been certain uproars in the media during the recent past.
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