"I met Amaradeva during schooldays ... when I went to garland him at a ceremony" -- Wimala Amaradeva

 "I met Amaradeva during schooldays ... when I went to garland him at a ceremony" -- Wimala Amaradeva

"I met Amaradeva during schooldays ... when I went to garland him at a ceremony" -- Wimala Amaradeva

Lady Wimala Amaradeva who was the shadow behind Late Dr. Amaradeva's life was the biggest power which generated the maestro to trounce the world of music. The couple who enjoyed married life spanning 53 years have bestowed three children devoted to the Arts. The meeting of this couple too is something that took place by chance. 

Their 50th wedding commemoration was held in the year 2013, bringing entertainment to soldiers at Attidiya Mihindu Seth Medura and Mrs. Wimala Amaradeva unfolded that romance to the media in
this manner: "My husband was at that time known as W.D. Albert Perera and was popular as a music artiste. I was studying at Museus College. I also was good at dancing and folk songs. There was a ceremony at Sri Moratuwa Saddharmodaya College in Koralawella. Each school is called upon to present an item no. Our school also was asked to present a dance item. I was among those in the dance group chosen by the school. It was after going there that I came to know what that ceremony was for. That ceremony was held as a sending off event organised by Premakumara Epitawela, and a group including Sri Chandraratna Manawasingha and it was held for sending off music artiste W.D. Amaradeva to India for further music education. When Albert Perera came forward that day as the chief guest one from among us was selected to garland him. Surprisingly it was me who was chosen and I garlanded him. That day he spoke to me. He had remembered me so well that day. But there was nothing special that day.

After that I began listening to his songs with better interest. When the song 'Shantha me re yame'  went over the radio actually I got a strange sentiment. He sang that song in such a beautiful way. By that time Albert Perera had already gone to India and I also was diverted to various things. I sang folk songs, acted in Tower Hall dramas, did dancing and did music. 

When he returned to the island once again he engaged in various creations involving folk songs. Later he joined me in singing those folk songs. It was from these folk songs that contributed towards the development of our romance. But after marriage of course I put lock and key to all these things and after putting a big padlock I kept it aside. I cast aside music and then came behind him. 

An incident that took place during the period the romance between Amaradeva and Wimala was blossoming was exposed by her at the Sasara Danawwa concert held in the year 2015. It was an incident when she had attended as a member of the audience at a certain music concert conducted by Amaradeva but incidentally had gone home without informing him. After the concert Amaradeva had become annoyed knowing that she had disappeared and on inquiring further, she admitted that she had left the hall without waiting to see the rest of the concert because she had got some sort of a shock over the song 'Etha kandukara himaw arane' which he sang. The video where she spoke about that incident, from below

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