India to assist in building roads with four lanes between main towns

 India to assist in building roads with four lanes between main towns

India to assist in building roads with four lanes between main towns

The Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe has quipped after having discussions he has had with the Indian counterparts that assistance from the Indian government is to be given  to assist Sri Lanka in building new roads with four lanes from Jaffna to Mannar, Mannar through
Kurunegala to Colombo and from Mannar to Vavuniya and Trincomalee.

Ranil Wickremasinghe has had talks yesterday in New Delhi, Taj palace hotel with the minister of  transport and highways and naval affairs Nithin Gadkari in this regard.In this manner development of the northern and eastern provinces also could be made.

The Minister Gadkari had added that the roads would be constructed using high technology with cement and concrete which are to last easily for 50 years without needing repairs.The assurance had been given in this had ben further added that unlike in other foreign countries the Indian technolgy is quite cheap.
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