Gemunu requests to increase bus fares on routes which have more traffic
The President of the private bus owners association Gemunu Wijeratne has added that owing to traffic congestion on the roads the owners and the staff working in private buses cannot derive a
sufficient income to suit the living expenses.
He had added this in regard to the proposed increase in bus fares scheduled from 1st July. He had the attention of the government now itself as otherwise the members of the private bus owners association would have to resort to a strike action.
Gemunu Wijeratne has added that the minimum charge also has to to depend on this traffic congestion factor had also emphasized that their association could allow the government to continue and also could work to make the government collapse.
In this regard the Chairman of the National Transport Commission MAP Hemachandra had said that to increase the bus fares owing to traffic congestion is not an inter related factor and is not deemed necessary.