Wife tries to kill husband because of Indian lover!

 Wife tries to kill husband because of Indian lover!

Wife tries to kill husband because of Indian lover! 

Wellawatta Police has been able to arrest a husband's wife because the wife has gone head over heals over a certain Indian lover of hers whom she had come to know over the Facebook and skype and had finally made plans to kill the

The said woman had got down her paramour to Sri Lanka at her own expense unaware to anyone and had provided lodging for him in a hotel and in the process had paid money to some underworld elements to kill her husband and thereby acquire all his assets. The police on the other hand had utilised the services of some decoys and managed to video all conspiracies in this connection after which she was taken into custody. Incidentally, the millionaire company director had married this female, the latter of whom had possessed glamorous looks, after a romance. It was understood that she was 7 years younger than her husband. After marriage they have had one child and the child is presently following studies at an international school.

The lady concerned is not employed and when the child is away in school in the morning hours she had been engaged in browsing the Facebook during that period and had in fact been addicted to it for quite sometime. It was about 6 years before this that her attention was focused on a young man who had been sending messages to her over the Facebook by praising her looks and admiring her beauty. When checking further, she had been able to find out that this young man was an Indian national who possessed a handsome physique. He had addressed her in English language and the two of them had been involved in exchanging information about each other gradually and finally had become good friends. As time passed by he had said that he is surprised that a female such as she has an elderly husband like this.

Thus he had little by little got close to her this way and they had then instead of chatting across the Facebook had resorted to getting connected to each other in a live mode across skype. However during the past few months their alliance has gone beyond bounds and at one point she had made a suggestion to him saying, "I am not satisfied with seeing you this way ... you come to Sri Lanka; I'll spend and send you an air ticket and find you a hotel also".

As such, he had arrived in Sri Lanka last April 19th and she had told the driver in her house that a friend of hers is coming from abroad and to escort him and drop him to the hotel. On her instructions the driver had gone to Katunayaka Airport in her company and after picking up her Indian friend had then dropped him at a hotel situated close to her house. Subsequently, this attractive wife had gone to that hotel with the driver after her husband has left saying that she is visiting her friend and had got herself dropped there. In this way she had made it a habit of spending several hours at the hotel and then returning home after that. On the order, "Don't tell husband about my friend", the driver had kept mum about these suspicious journeys.

Later one fine day after several days had elapsed in this manner and when the driver had come to pick her up from the hotel as usual the wife had asked the driver to come in and sit, on which occasion she had started a talk saying, "There's an important thing to be done .... this is a secret!"  In fact what she had then told him was that she had decided to live with this lover of hers and that since her husband is an obstacle in this respect she had decided to murder him. She had further told him that in this context she is prepared to pay any amount that is necessary for that purpose and had asked him to find an underworld member and had added that all this has to be carried out with secrecy. So saying she had palmed over some money to the driver.

Because of this unanticipated news the driver had been shocked and having gone home he had thought about this matter very deeply. The driver who had served for a period of 14 years in this home by winning the heart of his master finally came into a negative decision  about this proposition of being a partner of killing his master.  Subsequently the following morning he had let the cat out of the bag to his master  in total secrecy. The husband who contemplated as what steps to take in this matter had come to a decision and had made a bee-line to the police station instead of questioning his wife.

Officers of Wellawatta Police who after meeting the husband and driver and having uncovered all necessary information in this connection had mentioned that this is a conspiracy which should be cornered in a sharp manner. Thereby they had employed the services of some decoys and the husband and the driver were told to return home and stay there as if nothing happened. In the process the driver was instructed to provide information about the decoy used if and when he was enquired about the underworld element by the lady.

Accordingly, the wife questioned the driver about the underworld matter and what he did was clandestinely introduce the Sub Inspector who had come in a disguised manner. The wife who in reality got duped thinking that he was the murderer-contractor had discussed matters of killing her husband for a fee of 2 lakhs and even went as far as handing him an advance of Rs. 50,000. She had further suggested a strategy whereby that if the husband is to be murdered, he could be poisoned or else his vehicle could be made to crash with another vehicle and when she was asked how the husband could be identified before the murder is committed, she had handed over one of her husband's photographs.

The police officer who had videoed all this talk about the conspiracy then took steps in taking her into custody based on that evidence. Next, the young Indian national supposed lover who was lodging at a hotel down Ramakrishna Road, Wellawatta was then arrested by the police. Further enquiry regarding the incident is underway.
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