The strange change in weather pattern an adverse meteorological catastrophe
The related authorities of the meteorological department had attributed for the strange change in the weather patterns which had resulted in an adverse meteorological catastrophe.On comparing and contrasting the past statistics.This had occurred owing to the heat of the earth affecting many countries including Sri Lanka.
The Director General of the meteorological department Lalith Chandrapala speaking to the BBC 'sandeshaya' programme had said that all statistics of the meteorological department since the year 1860 are in their possession On perusal of these statistics he had disclosed that since of late Sri Lanka has been experiencing adverse meteorological catastrophes when it rains and also long periods of drought during the drought seasons.
In this contest he had predicted Sri Lanka to have such adverse catastrophes in the future as well.Emphasizing on the adverse catastrophes it had been said that during these periods when it rains it would lash heavily until they end in floods and during dry season it would continue until the drought severely affects the people..
It had been added by the Director General that although the rains would cease but the possibility of landslides would continue to be a threat.As the soil is now rather wet after the heavy rains, the moment more rain falls it may result in land slides.