Same sex relationships and risk of HIV increase!

 Same sex relationships and risk of HIV increase!

Same sex relationships and risk of HIV increase!

The National Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV Control Programme has mentioned that the discovery of AIDS patients in Sri Lanka in recent times have taken on a new look and within the past 3 months alone that had passed by, from among 68 inflicted
cases a large number of cases detected were found were among those who practised homosexual activities.

Blood samples were checked for HIV possibilities in Sri Lanka from the year 1986 and the number of affected cases of HIV upto now have totalled 2377. The majority of these belong to males while women too figure in a number of cases. The reason for AIDS to increase among males is that more than association with the female counterparts it is the trend of homosexual activities prevalent among those of their own sex. Though the number of AIDS infected patients totalling 2377 reported from Sri Lanka is very much less when compared to those of other countries, the AIDS Control Programme nevertheless sounds a warning note that this current trend would contribute in bringing statistics in this respect to go up further.

It has been revealed from descriptions exposed by these patients that these homosexual activities are prevalent among those who come to the city and are working in the city by living in boarding-houses and among young men of high class families in the capital who practise homosexual activities. Among those detected in this connection, it hs been observed that there have been school children too.  
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