Koththu, Fried rice by Rs 10/- Fish buns by Rs 5/- increased
It has been decided by the members of the All Ceylon baker owners association to increase the prices of rice, fried rice, devels and koththu by a sum of rupees ten and all bakery short eats excepting bread by a sum of rupees five.
The organizer of the All Ceylon bakery owners association Sampath Asela had added this as owing to the increase in the VAT up to 15% this decision had been taken to increase the prices of rice, fried
rice,devels and koththu by a sum of rupees ten from the 04th instant.
With the increase in the national building tax the prices of all bakery short eats excepting bread had been increased by a sum of rupees five.This was wing to the increase in the prices of raw materials like sauce and other ingredients needed to make rice etc.
However the prices of parata, egg rotty and vegetable totty would not be increased he had further added.
The chairman of the All Ceylon Bakery owners association had added that the reason for bakery products to be increased by a sum of rupees five is owing to the prices of Yeast ,farm oil and margarine been increased by the related Companies.
When this matter was inquired by the consumer services authority the higher officials had said as there is no fixed price officially made for rice and bakery products they cannot take any action for increasing these prices.