After the house of former IGP was burgled the housemaid had disappeared
On the early morning of the 09th instant it was reported that the house of the former IGP Victor Perera in Panadura was burgled.
It is an up stair house.There had been jewellery and cash of rupees fifty thousand kept in a bag in a room upstairs occupied by the wife of former IGP. When she had heard of a sound inside the bedroom she had shouted.By the time the former IGP got up the thieves
had taken that bag and fled away.
At around 2 am the former IGP Victor Perera had come to the Panadura police station and lodged a complaint.Immediately the police personnel had commenced investigations.
At the time of the incident apart from the former IGP and his wife their son and a domestic servant had been in the house.After the incident the domestic servant ha been missing.It is suspected that the theft had been made with the assistance of the domestic aid.
It is reported that on two previous instances also the house of Victor Perera had been burgled.