Trade union leaders of Port Authority on a 'satyagraha' to chase away Arjuna and brother

Trade union leaders of Port Authority on a 'satyagraha' to chase away Arjuna and brother

Trade union leaders of Port Authority on a 'satyagraha' to chase away Arjuna and brother

Five leaders of trade unions in the ports authority have commenced a 'satyagraha' from the afternoon of the 10th instant in protest  against the activities of the Ports development Minister Ajuna
Ranatunga and the Chairman of the Ports Authority his elder brother Dhammika Ranatnuga .

The place this 'satyagraha' has commenced is close to the Wimaladharma round about near the entrance to Main Street and in front of the entrance gate to the Ports Authority.

It is reported that the  brothers 'duo Arjuna Ranatunga and Dhammika Ranatunga have been very severe on employees.A instance has been reported when those piloting a trawler had been severely scolded by the management.The actions of the brothers  had hurt the feelings of the employees.

President of the Jathika Sevaka Sangamaya, Udeni Kalutantri had added that in addition to the 'satyagraha' a work to rule campaign also has commenced within the ports authority. He had said that the 'satyagraha' would be extended to a fast on to death campaign by the trade union leaders.
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