Schoolgirl dies due to allergy of Avurudu Cake

Schoolgirl dies due to allergy of Avurudu Cake

Schoolgirl dies due to allergy of Avurudu Cake

A 16 year old schoolgirl had passed away because of an allergy which affected her because of a cake she had eaten. After eating a
cake brought home by her relatives for Avurudu she has suffered from this allergy and later had become serious, resulting in her death.

This student named Yashodara Hansani Dissanayaka resident at Ranpathwila area in Kahatagasdigiliya, Anuradhapura was pursuing her studies to sit for the General Certificate of Education examination this time. Some relatives had visited her home bringing some cakes and in the process of entertainment she had tasted some of the cakes. As soon as she had tasted a little bit of the cake she had begun to vomit and had shown a faintish attitude. The householders had promptly taken steps to admit her to Thammennawa Sippukulama Hospital. However as her condition had turned out to be serious, she was later transferred to Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital. The girl had passed away 2 days later on the 16th while under treatment at the intensive care unit in that hospital. What the doctors had said was that some substance in the cake had contributed towards the allergic situation leading towards her death.
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