Probe against eloped Principal and teacher at Mahanama College -- Updates 3

Probe against eloped Principal and teacher at Mahanama College -- Updates 3

Probe against eloped Principal and teacher at Mahanama College -- Updates 3

As a final outcome or result of the illicit entanglement regarding the issue related to the Principal of Mahanama College, Colombo
sometime back was that this Principal Prasanna Upashantha plus the teacher Mrs. N.S. Ratnayaka (30) who was in the midst of this story were expelled from the school, it was reported.

The husband of this teacher too it is said was a well-known announcer of the National Rupavahini while the teacher herself was an announcer at the same National Rupavahini and had later chucked up that position and made her way into Mahanama College. The said teacher's husband had presented himself in announcing activities on numerous of Mahanama College on the instigation of both the accused Principal as well as this teacher. In the meantime the teacher had struck up an illicit clandestine affair with the Principal unknown to her husband but has not been in a hurry to believe information given to him that the two of them had been visiting various hotels together.

The husband who was constantly engaged in work however got upset one day when he happened to receive a call on his phone when the Principal's wife had blurted out the story of her husband's relationship with this husband's wife. As a result the husband had taken steps to question his wife seriously on this matter when she was compelled to let the cat out of the bag about this intimate relationship. Subsequent to the argument that had flared up that day she had left the house and had failed to return home in the night.

Under these conditions he had gone to police in order to settle this issue and further had mentioned to Talangama Police that the Principal may have abducted his child. On that occasion the police had made a pledge that they would take action on the matter. After lodging the complaint the husband had been carrying his daughter in the company of his brother and the servant woman of the house and had gone to a kiosk close to the police station where they had been having tea when quite all of a sudden his wife the teacher had appeared in front of the kiosk saying, "give my child!" and had grabbed the child from his possession and started running along a road. At that moment they too had run behind her. Later, she had got into a jeep belonging to the Principal which had been parked on the roadside. The Principal who was on the side had even gone so far as to deal a blow on the husband, it was reported.

Under these circumstances the teacher's husband had then once again proceeded to make a complaint to the police. However, it is suspicious whether it was from police quarters itself that the tip off that the husband had come to the police with the child was given to the Principal and the teacher. Though this problem could have ended there, after the incident was notified to the media it then made the Education Ministry mediate in this matter.

A certain lady teacher of Mahanama College who was suspected by the Principal as someone who was instrumental in taking a hand in forwarding the said issue to the websites was subjected to strong criticism by the Principal the following day after the incident at the teachers' assembly, it is reported.

By now the Principal has been transferred to the Western Province Education Department while the teacher has been transferred to a zone outside the Colombo Education Zone. Both families have still been left hopeless and the child is still in the custody of the teacher. They would in future be brought before the law in respect of this family dispute.
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