Lasith Malinga's avoidance of media

Lasith Malinga's avoidance of media

Lasith Malinga's avoidance of media

Lasith Malinga had instead of taking part in the World Cup held recently because of a leg ailment had subsequently tried to make his way to the IPL which tournament brings money . However, because
he had failed in the Indian medical test Malinga had to make his way back home and today he had visited Colombo Nawaloka Hospital for the purpose of appearing before a panel of doctors nominated by the Sri Lanka Cricket Board.

As some outburst has flared up these days because of various comments he had made, all top-ranking media institutions had taken interest to gather to cover instances of Malinga entering the hospital and also coming out of it. Malinga had as usual made his way into the hospital clad in a common T-shirt and without looking around anywhere. He was on his way to the hospital in this fashion all the while perusing some SMS on his mobile phone. Having faced the medical consultation he came out with a smile adorning his face smiling all to himself while the press were getting prepared well in advance to crowd round him to pose questions at him. Though they stretched forward their mikes and threw questions at him it appeared that none of them were sighted by Malinga. He passed them looking elsewhere as if none of them were around the place, not even uttering, "No ... I can't".

Later, Malinga who was on a side awaiting the Nawaloka van for some minutes and when the van did arrive he got into it and had sped away. Malinga gave a blind eye to the media, imitating a lover ignoring his girl friend. Prior to this at one time Malinga asked the media "why .. haven't you seen me before?" during a certain period when he was at dagger's end because pressmen questioned him on cricket.

Later, on questions posed by the media the doctors had responded saying that he is actually suffering from an ailment in the leg and that it had cropped up as a result of lack of calcium and protein and that it would take a period of something between 4 months and one year to clear up; therefore it is essential that he rests during that period. The manner in which Malinga avoided the media is seen in the Live@8 video, from below
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