Mahinda Rajapaksa harbour and Mattala airport to be taken over by China

Mahinda Rajapaksa harbour and Mattala airport to be taken over by China

Mahinda Rajapaksa harbour and Mattala airport to be taken over by China - Prime Minister

The Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe after his return from China after a successful three day official visit to China has participated in a media briefing at the Temple Trees to let the media know
about the progress of the official tour.

Both  the Mahinda Rajapaksa harbour in Hambantota and the Mattala Mahinda Rajapaksa international airport have been built on loans obtained from Companies in China.These loans are of a high magnitude and hence the Sri Lankan government would find it difficult to repay.The Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe had added that the present generation of children and their children also would have to pay over a long term.The only solution is to join with the Chinese Companies who lent the loans to be partners to uplift with more phases and to carry on the business. The related Chinese Companies had agreed to this proposals.

They have agreed to bring in ships and planes.An area of one thousand acres are to be allocated to these companies to commence a trade zone to commence business  giving employment opportunities to many  Sri Lankans.

It is reported that in order to finalize this collaboration further talks are to be held soon.
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