A person who was stun to death when he tried to break a honey comb of bumble bee on a Buddha statue is not from Veddah community

A person who was stun to death when he tried to break a honey comb of bumble bee on a Buddha statue is not from Veddah community - Veddah Chief

A honey comb of bumble bee had been on a Buddha statue in a temple at Batamullakande Matugama.A person who had attempted
to break this honey comb had been stun by the bees and fallen to his death.

The news has been published in the media that this person is from the Veddah community.This news had angered the Veddah Chief  Uruwarige Vannilaaththo as is a fake news.He had totally defied this information as correct.

After the person who tried to break the honey comb of bumble bee on the Buddhist statue had fallen on to the ground and had died.A postmortem had been carried out by the inquirer into sudden deaths.It had been revealed that the deceased person was a 52 year old Dissanayake Mudiyaselge Kiri Banda from Mahiyanganaya Dambana and is from the generation of veddah community.

The veddah Chief had refuted this fake information angrily saying this type of fake information  hurts him and the community blaming the examiner who carried out the postmortem.

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