Rathana Sutta chanted at Abeyarama temple live for one hundred thousand times uninterrupted

Rathana Sutta chanted at Abeyarama temple live for one hundred thousand times uninterrupted

Rathana Sutta chanted at Abeyarama temple live for one hundred thousand times uninterrupted

It is reported that in order that all communities in Sri Lanka would live in harmony,for enhanced strength, to bless all people to have sincere and considerate hearts, to achieve orthodoxy,true doctrine
by  invoking blessings to all citizens living in Sri Lanka, reciting the "Rathana Sutta" on hundred thousand times had begun on the 20th February 2016 at the Narahenpita, Abeyarama temple.

To complete this tedious exercise it is reported that it would take more than 10 months.The chief Incumbent of the Abeyarama temple Venerable Muruttetuwe Ananda thera had confessed that all the Buddhist monks who are deployed for this gigantic exercise in chanting the Rathana Suttaare those who are vegetarians and who are extremely dedicated monks.The chanting of the sutta will be throughout the 24 hours of the day.

The thera had said that any person who is willing could participate in thi very rare event and could obtain details by telephoning this number: 00112584084.It is also reported that for those in Sri Lanka and those living abroad could listen to this live event via the internet as all arrangements have been made.

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