Uduwe Thera is a suspect as a Elephant racketeer

Uduwe Thera  is a suspect as a Elephant racketeer - view of courts

Uduwe Thera  is a suspect as a Elephant racketeer - view of courts

It is reported that officials of the Attorney General's department has informed the related authorities of the Colombo magistrate courts  that the chief incumbent of the Ellen Mathiniyarama temple in Narahenpita, Venerable Uduwe Dhammaloka thera  has been suspected as having kept a baby
elephant at the temple premises. In this regard the investigations had proved that the Thera has had involvements in the Elephant racketeering business.

As this is an offence made by the Uduwe Thera against the animals and trees Act the  officials of the Attorney General's department had informed the authorities of the Colombo Magistrate's courts to advise the  officials of the criminal investigations department to record statements from the Uduwe Thera.
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