Experiment of Google Loon Balloon --
lands in Gampola (photos and video)
The Google Balloon Project which was arranged to stabilize the Google Company for the purpose of establishing an internet wi-fi zone in Sri Lanka conducted an experiment recently by
releasing a balloon which had come down at about 7.30 in the night yesterday in Pupuressa, Gampola, it was reported.
In the event when the balloon had landed on earth having got entangled in a tree, people in the area had tried to find out what it was and in the process a youth in the vicinity had identified it as the Google Balloon. The police and neighbours had got together and managed to bring the Balloon to Pupuressa Guard-room around 1.30 early this morning. Even at that moment its attached gadgets had been found to be functioning, neighbours had exclaimed. Nobody had officially accepted that this balloon which was brought down from South America last 15th had fallen down; but Minister Harin Fernando attached to digital facilities of course says that it has been successfully made to land. This has been mentioned in his Twitter Account.