There is nothing to say about "Sinhale"

There is nothing to say about "Sinhale" - President

There is nothing to say about "Sinhale" - President

The President Maithripala Sirisena in an interview he had had with the BBC Sandeshaya programme had emphasised that during the recent past the organisation "Sinhale" had made
attempts to publicities the "Sinhale" in the internet and via stickers. He had emphasised that it was something  not useful and hence he had not commented on it.

He had reiterated that we should draw attention and speak on matters of interest and benefit to people. As a person elected by the people to his position he should always attempt to talk what in useful and important to society and not that is not important and useful for the people.All intelligent people in the country could realise what is important and what is not important.
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