Confession of Suranga who says he raped factory garment-girl

Confession of Suranga who says he raped factory garment-girl

Confession of Suranga who says he raped factory garment-girl

After hearing the confession of Kondaya relating to Seya Sandewmi murder sometime back, we later had to realise that it was a hoax. Suranga the young man too who admitted that he was responsible for the murder of Ramya Vidarshani
of Mahiyangana a few days ago has given his confession, police say. This suspect who had attempted to take poison during the process of the police raid has now recovered and it is understood that he has given this confession. This is what he had said about that incident:

"She had been staying at Jaya Mama's house. I developed a desire when I saw her. I saw her coming back from work on two or three days. On the evening of the day of the incident I went to Tilake Mama's boutique and bought 2 beedis. After smoking those I was awaiting on a side of the jungle area for her arrival from work. A little bit of darkness had surrounded the area. I noticed a torch-light a little further away. She was coming while talking to someone on the phone that time. She passed me and went ahead of me on the road. I slowly went from behind her and after clasping her mouth, dragged her into the jungle. She wrestled with me. I got injured also. But I held on tightly. After a while her struggling stopped. What I thought was that she had fainted. It was at that time that I raped her. But I looked and looked ... but she didn't come back to normal. I then went home like that. Later I came to know that police was searching for me. I told Sashikala to come with me to go from the house and then went towards the hill. There was a lonely house near the hill. We put up the night in that lonely house. When waiting like that Sashikala asked why I was having wounds all over my body. I said that I killed a man. There were wounds on the fingers of my right hand. I showed that and told Sashikala that the man bit me. The next day I came to a chena in the village and after taking pots and pans, kerosene and then after digging some manioc returned once more to the jungle and ate the manioc after boiling them inside a cave.

To see in the morning, there was commotion in the village. The villagers, the police had surrounded the hill. We ran about in the hill. Realising that it was not possible to escape, I made a suggestion to take our lives. She agreed to it. We then drank poison. It was after that we got caught to the police".

On this occasion it was his illicit wife the 15 year old minor who had drunk poison with Suranga. Suranga was someone who had married earlier and was the father of one child. After the incident the suspect's legal wife too came to police and pleaded that maximum punishment be meted out to him and on the other hand the suspect's illicit underaged wife after having received treatment for drinking poison also had told the police not to let criminals like this to come out. "Should give the maximum punishment. I didn't know that he had killed a girl. He cheated me also ...", she had said.
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