78 year old mother imprisoned in a room near toilet ....
rescued by police!
After an incident where a father was imprisoned inside a kennel was reported from Kandy recently, yet another similar
heartbreaking incident comes to light from Meetiyagoda area in Galle.
After a call received by the Police Emergency Unit 119 to the effect that an old mother in Karuwalabedde area in Meetiyagoda was imprisoned inside a bathroom near a certain house a team of police officers from Meetiyagoda Police managed to come to her assistance yesterday (02). It is a female of 78 years by the name of Karunawathi who had been imprisoned in this manner. It was learned that when the police approached the said place, they had seen this mother 'caged' inside a bathroom with an iron door outside the house and it was found that the door was padlocked.
This house in fact had belonged to a daughter of this woman and it was learned that she had gone abroad. It was a grand-daughter who was living in this house of this aged mother. The police had come to know that another daughter of this senile mother was living in Elpitiya and though she was contacted over the telephone what she had said was that there was nothing that she could do about it. She had then disconnected the line and avoided further communication. A younger daughter of this mother had been living close to this house and the grand-daughter of this old mother as well as the younger daughter were taken into custody for interrogation yesterday under suspicion.
What they had said was that since it was not possible to control the senile mother she had been kept secluded in this manner. They had further remarked that if she was to be left out she would begin to walk about aimlessly in a confused manner and therefore she was confined to this 'cage'. Meetiyagoda Police are conducting further inquiries.