The Most Venerable Maduluwawe Sobtha Thera had been the leader of the university's main student union
There are certain facts not revealed about the Most Venerable Maduluwawe Sobitha Thera to many people in the country.Some of these facts
are appended below:
On the29th of May 1942 the Thera had been born as the second child in a family of three children in a village called Maduluwawa in Padukka,Homagama.The name as a laman had been PD Ratnasekara.The father had been Pathirage Don Appuhamy and his mother Karalina Hamine.The Thera had been ordained on the 9th May 1955 at the Kotte Sri Naga Viharaya premises. His mentor had been Mulleriyawe Sri Revatha Thera.He had been thought Buddhism by Devahandiye Saddhatissa thera and Angampitiya Gunaratana Thera.In the year 1962 he had become an Upasampada Bikkhu and had joined the Vidyodaya and Vidyalankara University to obtain a scholar degree in the year 1963.
During the period in the University had been the leader of the main student union of the University.After his university period in the year 1975 he had been appointed as the President of the Non Alcoholic movement, and subsequently as the President of the Non Alcoholic young members association, as the Convenor of the national movement for a free and just society,President of protecting the motherland organisation, President of the national heroes foundation and as advisor to the Sri Lanka axial society. He had been instrumental and had been in the forefront of many organisations having raised his voice for the freedom of newspapers. He had been actively involved in constructing temples, lakes ,roads and during Tsunami disaster in the construction of dwelling houses and related activities.
The Thera had been the mentor for many junior Buddhist monks. Among those became famous are Udugala Kande Ariyaratne thera,Keliniye Soratha thera and Wattala Damitha thera.