The rumour that I kicked and the baby was lost ....

The rumour that I kicked and the baby was lost ....

The rumour that I kicked and the baby was lost ....

when Sheshadri had conceived, is a fib

She went away because the younger brother stayed in our house

- Sampath de Silva speaks
We revealed recently that the marriage of dancer
Sheshadri to Sampath had gone on the rocks by now. Already Sheshadri has filed legal action against Sampath for a separation and has gone back to her parents. This couple who always pretended that though it was a proposed marriage, they were a couple who were perfectly matched and living and loving; but  in the circumstances where the couple had separated even before 2 years elapsed after the marriage in this manner, no response to that effect of course has still been not seen from Shashendri's party. But Sampath de Silva has expressed his views on this topic to Gossip Lanka this way: 

* Is the rumour that Sheshadri has left you and gone, true?  
  Not that she left me. Because of a misunderstanding that she had, we had a small problem between the two of us. In the meantime, on May 29th she left saying she was going to college and was coming back. But she didn't return home and her phone had been switched off. It was she herself who called me after a month. It was on that day that I came to know that she had left my home. 

* Didn't you Sampath inquire about your wife until a month passed?
  I did. Usually Sheshadri doesn't go out anywhere alone. Even on the day that she said she was going to the college she went with the person working in our house. Though that person returned home and Sheshadri didn't .... I searched. She had told the person who's working in our home some strange things like she's unable to live in this home alone. I searched everywhere that I knew. I went home .... but she had not gone home. Actually the place where she had gone to was to the home of one of her friends. Though Sheshadri's home-people were aware of where she went .... I knew from the response I got from them. So ultimately as there was nothing else to do ... I came to Welikada Police and lodged an entry. 

* What is the problem that was between you two to go to the extent of leaving?
  My younger brother is staying with me. Father also once in a way used to come and stay with us. But what Sheshadri wanted was to live together only with me. So because of that she had no liking for my younger brother staying with us. But can I tell him to go away like that? He will go away at the time he needs to. Since there was no obstruction from him, I tried to explain to her as much as possible saying that we'll try to be patient a little. But she was not patient. Actually she had left home by exaggerating an unwanted problem. There wasn't even a wee bit of any other issue between us. 

* Though she went away from home ... was the rumour that you'll are going to separate, a false one?
  That rumour is true. I wasn't thinking of separating. Sheshadri called me on June 22nd. That was to tell that her mother had filed a divorce case between the two of us.

* Did you give your consent to it?
  No. I have no reason to agree to that. On the other hand she had done no wrong to me by then. Later I got summons with 12 points in it. Apart from the two points that I had reprimanded her mother and that Sheshadri had to face problems to a large degree because of my mother, the rest of the other 10 points were woven, baseless stories. That I have illicit affairs ... I frequently treated Sheshadri in a cruel manner .... that I kicked Sheshadri when she was pregnant and that she lost the baby because of that. Those allegations should be proved. But what I say is that they can't prove even one of those. 

* Having enjoyed a grand wedding and separating like this in a short span of time ... isn't it a matter of shame for both of you?
  I don't feel a shame. Because I am not a person who did a wrong thing. What was important to me was my wedded life. It was to that I gave priority. She also lived like a perfect wife for me. I treated her like a queen, but it was her mother who actually upset Sheshadri's head. 

* At one time the Priyasad family and the Silva family were two families that associated each other intimately. So couldn't these things be settled on the surface as such?
  Yes. Both our parties were known to each other for a period of time. But I have no dealings with them now. After our marriage was finalised what Sheshadri's mother wanted was to bend me down to her 'drum-beat'. But since I disliked those things, she started telling my faults to everybody known. Started to take steps to stop our marriage. One day that mother gave a thundering slap on the face of Sheshadri because Sheshadri, I and our mother went out for dinner. Those photos are still with me. It was because of her spiteful nature that we registered our marriage soon as soon as it was known she rejected taking Sheshadri into her home. Finally, until such time till the wedding ceremony was conducted Sheshadri was with our mother .... in our house on the ground floor. After that, within the space of one months a ceremony was conducted and according to the manner the wedding was planned the way Sheshadri wanted. Even after our marriage, her mother didn't stop poking her finger into our married life. It was because of that the problem went as far as I reprimanding Sheshadri's mother. So there's no use of I keeping cordial relationships with such a person no.

* Are you now living alone?
  Yes. At the moment it is I and my younger brother who are at home. 

* Can't the two of you discuss this issue and come to a solution?
  Can't. I can never lead a married life with her as earlier. She lost all those things. Actually what Sheshadri did was something for which she cannot be forgiven. She can be pardoned even for having left home. But for having stayed with another man of course can never be pardoned. Normally it is a man who is motivated to do such a thing. But even if a man did that I would not approve those things. I having been such a good husband, Sheshadri has gone on a hurried up journey and messed up her life.

* If you can't live with her .... is there a reason why the divorce cannot be given?
  Like I said before .... 10 of the allegations she had filed for divorce are absolutely bunkum. So those complaints should be proved. Then I should think and see".

See the collection of photos on their wedding day held in the year 2013 once again, from below

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