Ranil had disclosed some budget secrets

Ranil had disclosed some budget secrets yesterday

The Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe had disclosed yesterday in Parliament some  of the areas when the proposed budget would be tabled in House on the 20th November.The other proposals the
Minister of Finance Ravi Karunanayake would reveal later he had added. The  ones he disclosed are as follows:

* To protect the employees provident fund and the Employees trust fund and to introduce a  fund named Pension and gratuity fund.

*To allow those who had lived for over 10 years under the permit of the government to own these lands.

*Those who had lived in government owned houses for over 10 years to give them outright ownership.

*Those estate workers who had lived in estate line houses for over ten years to be given the ownership of the related blocks of land and the houses.

*To establish a  entrepreneur government institution for these purposes.

*To establish a special council to determine the minimum wage required for living with representatives  comprising from government, sector private sector and union sectors.

*To form a new  national retirement scheme to look after those after retirement.

*To establish 2500 government rural development triangles.

*To purchase agricultural products a authority with powers to be established.

*An Insurance scheme for farmers to be established.

*A new investment Act to be enacted instead of development strategy Act.

* Instead of an import export act a trade regulatory act.

*The economy to mad digital

*For the University undergraduates to purchase laptops for their education a scheme without interest for three years.

* The taxes to be moved for merit and education programmes

*New standards to be introduced for English education at English at classes and Universities.

*All universities to be given free Wi-Fi

*Taxes to be removed fro books and sports goods.
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